Medium term accommodation (MTA)

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) can help if you need a place to live while you are waiting for a confirmed long-term housing solution. For example, you may be waiting for some home modifications to be made before you can move into your new SDA property.

Medium term accommodation in Perth

Happy Healthy Care matches the specific requirements of participants with the best Medium Term Accommodation available. We take into account your personal requirements, including accessibility, geographical location and funding to suggest a range of accommodation that meets your needs. MTA has lots of benefits for participants and their families, including:

  • A safe place to stay with plenty of support while you wait for your permanent accommodation
  • Reassurance while you wait for your home, knowing you'll be supported in the community
  • Minimising the risk of being admitted into aged care facilities
  • An opportunity to take part in engaging activities and programs
  • Build your capacity and life skills while waiting for your permanent accommodation
  • Relieves the pressure on your informal support network, giving them peace of mind
  • Enabling you to live in the community, with opportunities for socialising.

Our Medium Term Accommodation also offers plenty of opportunities to try new hobbies, learn skills, and take part in enjoyable activities—either on your own, or with the company of others. Activities are designed to enhance your independence and build capacity, with all of the supports you need to ensure a safe and enjoyable stay. Our teams are committed to creating a great experience for participants in a supportive home, so they finish their time with us refreshed and enriched.